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Storie, cantastorie e mitologia: culture e danze dai popoli del mondo

From 13 to 15 September we will be in Bologna for "Storie, cantastorie e mitologia: culture e danze dai popoli del mondo" review presenting our new video installation with the musical accompaniment of Fidellone.

We are waiting for you!

Video mapping: virtualizzazione degli spazi pubblici

by Tiago Ignacio Branchini

Editor: Youcanprint2019, 132pp. ISBN: 9788831634700

The goal of this research is to examine video mapping, also known as mapped projection or simply mapping, in today's context. This technique consists in projecting a video making it coincide with the geometry of a physical reality, that is, transforming the identity of a surface into a multimedia screen equipped with new properties. This technique is very versatile adapting perfectly to different fields such as scenography, video art, video culture, installations or projections on monuments, buildings and structures. It has the ability to recreate an immersive and, at the same time, synaesthetic environment. This survey reflects, contextualizes and studies the concept of virtual and the relationship with new media, its origins and its use as a means in the context of political and social activism. To understand it better, from this perspective, the thought and some key works of the Polish artist Krzysztof Wodiczko were analyzed.



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